Happy Birthday Karmen Pedaru

Photo by Francois Rotger

Happy Birthday Karmen Pedaru. It’s been amazing following your career and seeing all the success you’ve had over the years. The recent launch of your pyjama brand is so cool, and seeing all the work, thought, moodboards, creativity for your fashion is inspiring. You’re great model, amazing person, and an even cooler creative. Wishing you more success and happiness. Love always.

Photo by Kt Auleta

Photo by Ben Hassett

Photo by Francois Rotger

I would engage the world as my ally
I would engage the world
Against jealous fear and bitter ambition
That only aspires to the done and the dead

I went down to the sea
Don’t care if you don’t believe me
It spoke to me about my life
It spoke with the voice of reason
It told me to risk it all with the chance of nothing returned

Isn’t that the task of love?
Isn’t that the challenge of love today?

Photo by Francois Rotger

Please, will an angel come over to hold up my shoulders
And help me back on my feet?
Or put your money in the payphone
Tell them you’re running
Blowing up in a big way
Putting on make-up
Changing your name
Now you’re standing in the shadows
Or for whomever is paying
Sonny, you’re a big shot now
Sonny, when you come down, how you gonna count?

Happy Birthday Chris Cornell (Never Outshined)

Chris Cornell and the music of Soundgarden are probably the biggest influences in my life not named Karen Mulder or George Carlin. The music of Soundgarden forever changed my perception of music and got me through some of the toughest times in high school. I’ll always cherish those memories first learning to play the guitar and wanting to start a band with my best friend that sounded like Black Sabbath, Kyuss, Sleep, Hum, and Soundgarden lol.

In the interviews that I would watch and read of Chris Cornell’s, he always seemed like this even keeled, conscientious, funny, calm and collective guy without the pretentious notions you’d expect from a rock musician. When it comes to bands, I’m not much into trivia and backstories. But reading Chris Cornell’s battles with substance abuse in his teens, being a recluse, school dropout, yet finding a saving grace in music and playing in bands, made me appreciate more the person Chris turned out to be and all the success he had.

It’s hard to believe he’s not here anymore. It’s probably immeasurable how much Chris Cornell impacted music, culture or the lives of everyday people around the world that his music so deeply touched, but the often stated, “No one sings like you anymore” is sincerely felt. Thank you and Happy Birthday Chris Cornell. You’re never outshined.